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  • đŸ”„ Oops (A)I did it again...

đŸ”„ Oops (A)I did it again...

Plus: Channel 4 looks to podcast for UK election coverage

đŸ€– Another rollercoaster of a week for Open AI

đŸ“ș Netflix releases 2nd batch of viewing data

đŸ•ș Snoop Dogg kicks off merch auction

đŸŽ™ïž The Rest is Politics to launch on Channel 4

🧐 Baby Reindeer raises more questions about Netflix docs

If you’re a ‘glass half empty’ person, right now you’re probably worrying about when robots are going to take over the world. If you’re a ‘glass half full’ person, you’re probably looking forward to a world where every tedious task is taken care of and human creativity can run wild and free.

(I tend to be on the empty side but where robots are concerned I’m surprisingly optimistic).

Whether you like it or not, the rise of AI is going to impact everything and the shakedown is not going to be an easy ride.

And so this week proved to be a tough one for Open AI. Not only did they manage to p*ss off Scarlett Johansson and further crank open the Pandora’s Box around the “right of publicity”, but they also seemingly managed to p*ss off their own staff too.

The creative industry is definitely going to continue to find itself in the eye of the storm. After all, training LLMs to perform administrative tasks is much less controversial than creating content which may borrow from existing human creativity, image or audio rights.

The exciting space to occupy is slap bang in the middle - and there are plenty of startups looking at how they can be the mediator for legitimately lending (and monetising) these rights.

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A big week for Open AI

The good: Signed a deal with News Corp to make use of articles from WSJ, New York Post, The Times and more to train their LLMs.

The bad: Locked in legal battles with with publishers (NYT), writers (George R R Martin) and comedians (Sarah Silverman) around the fact they used their copyrighted material to train their LLMs. OpenAI have always denied the accusations. But when they released their new voices for GPT-4 many couldn’t help but notice the similarities between “Sky” and the voice from the 2014 film ‘Her’, voiced by Scarlett Johansson.

OpenAI quickly suspended the voice. They’ve since released the early recordings of the actual human voice involved as proof they didn’t clone Scarlett J.

The ugly: More news about staff unrest and the company being “on the brink of civil war” as insiders question the principles and ethics of the organisation.

This is very much the thin end of the wedge. Expect lots more legal cases to come.

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One Piece leads the Netflix charts

You’d have been hard-pushed to not hear about Netflix’s second report on viewing released last week - they’ve managed to create a Glastonbury-esque fever to this data amongst industry insiders.

And it did deliver some interesting insights.

The #1 show in H2 2023 was One Piece - an 8 ep live action series based on a 1,000 episode anime series. A neat commission by Netflix - straight out of the content strategy 101 playbook - taking IP with a long-lived and hardcore following in a niche segment (manga/anime) and bringing it to mainstream, global audiences.

In the kids space, CocoMelon is miles ahead of anything else - with 200M views across all seasons, vs just 90M for the next biggest kids franchise (Gabby’s Dollhouse).

And - illustrating the increasing importance of international - non-English language content made up one third of all viewing.

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Source: Netflix

The Dogg-y in the window

We’re used to see talent launching new products, but what about selling old products?

Auctioning artist memorabilia is nothing new. But Snoop Dogg has partnered up with The Realist - a new specialist auction house set up to provide a more authenticated and secure way for trading artist collectibles - to take control of this and do it in a more scaled way.

This could prove a solid new revenue stream and a fruitful way for talent to keep selling on clothing and items that they’re using throughout their daily lives
its like A-list upcycling

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Source: The Realest

The Rest is
Channel 4

The Rest is Politics is the jewel in the crown of the ‘Rest is
” podcast portfolio, regularly topping the UK charts and spinning out viral vids across social.

And now it has partnered with C4 for a weekly broadcast leading up to the election on the 4th July.

Its surprising how few podcasts have made this jump, with the only other tie-up on a UK PSB being the Diary of a CEO on iPlayer.

As broadcasters look for more low-cost, repeatable programming with ready-made audiences, and podcasters increasingly record video alongside the audio, you can expect more of this to come.

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The Case of Baby Reindeer

Winner of the “no sh*t sherlock” news of the week is that some of the Netflix ‘true crime’ docs may not actually be all that true.

The big question here is the impact of those who are the subjects of these docs, particularly where they have been unfairly represented.

What this also shows is that traditional regulations are going to start catching up with Netflix - for years its been able to operate in a grey area re. broadcast rules and compliance, but with great power comes great responsibility
and so there is going to be more and more scrutiny on their programming going forward.

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